Are you looking to recover from an injury, enjoy movement more or improve your performance in your favorite sport?

We offer programs so you can more freely, with less pain and more power.


Cultivate the kind of body that can move freely, powerfully & peacefully in the world

We provide you with guidance to move in more peaceful and potent ways.

We have distilled an approach from Eastern and Western forms (Aikido, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Feldenkrais and Integral Coach ™) to support you to grow well and whole as you move through your life.

We have distilled a training approach from Eastern and Western movement forms (Aikido, Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Feldenkrais/practical neuroplasticity) to make these internal technologies accessible to you so you can grow well and whole as you move through your life.

Improve how you move so you can move how you want

Decrease the pain that happens when you move. Learn from your movement so you can care for yourself and stay active.


You create your life each time you move

What life are you creating, move by move? When moving hurts, it is time to expand your horizons, not fortify your limits. Whether you need to find another path to recover after an injury or illness, want to enjoy moving now or want to improve your performance in your favorite sport, we have a program for you.


Take my quiz

Learn about your movement habits and how your habits today will shape the movement life you will have in the future. 

Meet your Movement Experts

Our path is committed to following the joy, connection, harmony and wholeness we feel in our movement practices and helping you find these qualities within yourself.



Brad has committed his life to the study of martial arts, meditation and health through internal martial arts of Qi Gong and Tai Chi.



Cheryl has committed her life to transformative learning and personal development to increase and deepen her clients ability to live conscious, connected and empowered lives.




Here is where you can briefly outline the membership options and provide a brief description of what each plan includes, their cost and length.


Online programs to deepen your movement practice

We guide you on your path to greater wellness, wholeness and personal peace. For your whole life.


Our weekly membership program to support you to discover yourself and learn to move freely.



Our weekly membership gives you:

check Weekly live online classes

check Forums

check Access to recorded sessions

check Learn about Move Freely


Our feature membership program guides you on a path to greater wellness.



Our feature membership program gives you:

check 2 monthly online classes

check Access to our Wellness through Movement library 

Learn About POISE



Vitamin MM

Get your dose of Vitamin MM - Mindful Movement - your deep dive through 1 weekly online class as well as access to class recordings. 

Learn about Vitamin MM

What's new to read

Check out our growing library of articles on how movement can be life medicine.  We explore body-mind-spirit connections in a way that bridges the wisdom of Eastern traditions and the discoveries of Western science.