The Move to Perform Method to take you to new heights in your sport.
Do you find that past injuries make your performance uneven – sometimes you are golden and sometimes you fizzle out?
Learn how you can shift your training approach to uplevel your performance.
Identify Habits
Identify movement habits that make performance difficult.
Explore Possibilities
Explore efficient movement habits that make performance easier.
Apply Daily
Rehearse performance movement habits for your sport.
Improve & Refine
Learn to notice and refine your movement so you perform at your peak.
1. Checklist of movement habits to monitor.
2. Movement homework to wire in new movement habits.
3. Information to support your learning include personal videos you can download and keep.
4. You finish the final session with a clear mission on how to improve your movement.
I support my clients to un-learn movement habits that limit movement freedom and learn efficient, more powerful movement.
When my clients hit a plateau and can’t find a way to improve. They get in their head and struggle showing up with a winning mind set.
My clients have worked hard but aren’t seeing a return for their efforts.
Three use cases of how we built back the range of movement by identifying and addressing each client's core concern through a personal movement strategy designed just for you.
I have tried deep tissue massage, acupuncture, and cupping in the past. Working with Cheryl has produced real results I have not seen in a long time and changes to my posture and the flexibility in my shoulders that is sustainable. Cheryl takes the time to listen and then research how best to help you through her practice.
“I connected with Cheryl and Feldenkrais to alleviate chronic plantar fasciitis pain"
Cheryl's genuineness, inquisitiveness, gentle invitations and collaborative efforts have made a remarkable difference to my healing. While my plantar fasciitis has thankfully settled, I continue to work with her to deepen my connection with movement through my whole body. I leave our sessions with enthusiasm and curiosity at how such subtle changes can help shifts things I didn't know I needed. It's cool!
I started aikido later in life and struggled with rolling. Cheryl helped me find a smoother roll so I feel more confident to take ukemi (rolling practice) when I train.
I am in a lot of pain – how can I learn about movement when it hurts this much?
I work with very small, gentle movements to create positive changes in your brain and nervous system. This approach can reset your internal pain system.
I’ve been told that I can’t expect to improve any further – why would this help?
I support you to use your personal learning tools: your attention, curiosity, senses and self-visualization to learn from and improve your movement. These practical neuroplasticity tools helped you learn to walk, to learn a sport, a new language or any new activity you didn’t know how to do. Many therapies leave out this learning process and focus on your physical movement alone.
My knees joints are damaged or my neck vertebrae are fused – how could this help me?
I support you to find your best possible movement, with whatever structural conditions or limitations you have. We can’t change what has happened; we can work together to learn how you can move to function better in your daily activities.