Sit to Death
$147.00 2 Sections 7 Lessons

In this course, you will learn how to sit more dynamically to improve your health and life span and reduce the negative impact of sitting for long periods of time.  This course includes guided movement lessons and curated information to help you create more healthful sitting habits. 

This course is designed for people who sit for long periods of time at work, desire to be active but don't have time every day to workout.  The movement lessons will support you to embed activity breaks that make a difference to alleviate headaches, stiff necks, painful low backs and rigid hips from sitting for hours at a time. 

Cheryl is a certified Feldenkrais practitioner, Integral Master Coach (tm) and Being in Movement practitioner.  Cheryl has followed her curiosity to become a somatic coach over the past 12 years exploring ways to embrace the complexity of being human in an embodied form.  

To learn more about Cheryl: